Working Your Goals to Achievement
I got a lot of positive feedback from the New Year’s show, which was the first non-interview episode. I’ll be continuing with interviews, but that feedback also made me realize that people appreciate thoughtful content even without a guest on the show.
In that same feedback I got a lot of questions that mostly centered around one topic: moving beyond goal setting to goal accomplishment. So I asked my wife Trisha to join me for this show (since she joins me every year for this process) and we discussed what we do each year to both set and achieve our goals.
Our conversation on working your goals to achievement covers:
The importance of starting with purpose before setting goals for the year
Goals versus habits
Habit development tips
SMART goals
Reducing goals to definite tasks
Integrating your responsibilities into the overall process
Creating a master list of weekly tasks as an output of thinking through your goals, habits, and responsibilities
A final three step process we have used for years for working our own goals, which, if you follow, will result in the creation of an “ideal week” that you can use to guide each week, and each day of the week.
As I mention in this podcast episode, stay tuned for something NEW in 2019 called “10 minute takeaways” where I’ll summarize in 10 minutes or less the high points and takeaways from each interview or show. This was the result of other great feedback from people in my audience - so thank you! My regular long-format interviews will continue, but these will be useful for people who just want to go back and get a quick summary after enjoying the conversation, or for people who just don’t have the time that week to listen to the entire interview but want to benefit from the highlights.
Enter your email at the bottom of the page to get announcements for when these new shows come out, and for other inside news!
Listen to this episode now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or anywhere else you get your podcasts!
Links and More Information on this Topic: (and his Excel template at I’ll work on getting my own up at some point, but this is a great starting point that I used to figure out my own.
David Allen’s great book on productivity (which started my own journey in productivity years ago) Getting Things Done
The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Jay Papasan and Gary Keller (you can listen to an interview with Jay Papasan in episode 6)