Jamie Matthews - Asking the Right Questions
Learning is about asking the right questions….and it’s also about knowing there is not always one right answer. In this episode of the podcast, we discuss learning and living a life of meaning with Jamie Matthews, a Master Teacher at the Acton School of Business in Austin, Texas. In addition to having found his calling as a world-class teacher, Jamie is a successful entrepreneur, experienced investor, and purposeful philanthropist. More importantly, he is one of those rare people whose positive energy and gratitude for living is irresistibly contagious, even on his “bad” days.
We touched on a variety of related topics, including:
The importance of mentoring and teaching others (hint: it doesn’t only benefit the student)
The difference between lessons that are felt, versus those that remain on the surface
Gaining comfort with ambiguity
How to live with less regrets
Why being a high achiever can make it more challenging to take risks
How to formulate the right questions
Finding and living your purpose, as opposed to following the “planned life” of others
Practical tips for living in a way that matters
Staying on the path
The necessity of gratitude and acceptance
Learning about the world, and ourselves, can be a lot of fun…but sometimes, it’s not. Join us as we discuss how to formulate the right questions, why it’s essential to push past comfort zones in the process of lifelong learning, and how to find purpose in our own unique journeys as students of ourselves.
I hope you enjoy this show as we look into the purpose in the process of lifelong learning!
Links and More Information on this Topic:
Jamie’s bio.
Explore Austin, the mentoring and outdoor adventure organization co-founded by Jamie that focuses on coming alongside youth from low-income communities to help them reach their full potential.
Information about the revolutionary Acton School of Business in Austin, Texas.
Check out the Pond Hockey Club. Whether you have a child wanting to get into the sport of ice hockey, or you’re an adult who has just always wanted to try it out, I can vouch for this place. Top coaching, great facility, welcoming staff, and an all-around healthier approach to youth sports in general.
Acton Academy, a truly unique alternative to traditional K-12 education for kids and families looking to apply the independent learning principles taught at the Acton School of Business.
Man’s Search for Meaning, by psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl. This powerful and potentially life-changing read is a memoir based on Frankl’s own life in Nazi death camps, wherein he explains how our ability to cope with suffering is what matters most. Being the grandson of holocaust survivors myself, I learned early in life the importance of Frankl’s message in this book, and recommend it to others constantly. There’s also a young adult edition available.
Dr. Madeline Levine’s book, The Price of Privilege: How Parental Pressure and Material Advantage are Creating a Generation of Disconnected and Unhappy Kids. Dr. Levine is a clinical psychologist who writes, in-part, about the emotional dysfunction of modern American youth contributed to by parents who prevent their children from experiencing and owning the consequences of their choices.
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